Yoga Flow for Tinnitus: 10mins

Once you’ve done your Sun Salutation warm up, follow this 10 minute flow, inspired by my sister in law and long time friend, Gemma, and her struggle to find relief from chronic tinnitus. It focuses on warming and releasing through the neck and shoulders and increase blood flow to the head through standing postures, forward folds, back bends and inversions. A practice for all levels and not just the tinnitus patients!

Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of an external source, often described as ringing, buzzing or whistling sounds. Treatment is tricky as there appears to be no mechanical reason for it occurring, however people who suffer from it report depressed mood, low quality of life, irritability, hopelessness and insomnia.

There is a relation between tinnitus and the activity of the prefrontal cortex and limbic system. This part of the brain is related to emotions, thus the association with depression, anxiety and other psychological diseases can be made when tinnitus is severe. There are various studies about the therapeutic effects of yoga in reducing anxiety, stress, depression, sleeping disorders and stress-related symptoms, such as insomnia and hypertension.

Tinnitus has strong correlations with stress, physical tension around the neck, shoulders and jaw, affected cognitive function, poor attention span, infections in the nose, ear or throat, allergies, cardiac ailments…just to name a few.

Yoga can help sufferers find relief by increasing blood circulation, it stimulates the organs, removes toxins, and protects the body against infection and allergies as it improves immunity. Yoga helps relax the muscles around the head and neck, and this helps to reduce the noise caused by the condition, while at the same time creating space to relax, rejuvenate and de-stress.

What you need: yoga mat (or similar), yoga brick (or drink bottle, canned food – unopened), bolster (or rolled up blanket/towel – optional)

Source article: The Effects of Yoga in Patients Suffering from Subjective Tinnitus

Warm Up: Sun Salutation A & B (options) 10mins

Sun Salutations are full body warm ups that build heat, set the pace of your practice and allow you to feel into the sensations – physical and emotional – of your body for this practice today. They allow you to find your focus, make the connection between breath and movement, clear out whatever has been going on for you before you stepped onto your mat, and let go of whatever you are moving onto next in your day. To become present to this moment.

Always start your practice here. Notice how your body feels today and adjust your practice accordingly. Try 3-5 Sun Salutation A’s followed by 3-5 Sun Salutation B’s. They are the building blocks for the rest of your practice as you flow between the postures. Notice any resistance as you start to move and breathe, any tightness, any distractions in the mind. Be ok with that. No expectations. Just move and breathe. Do what feels good for you today.

This video talks through different options to adjust or modify your practice. Move in time with your breath, don’t worry if the pace of the video is too fast or too slow. At the end, either choose to move on to further practice or enjoy the relaxation at the end. Always take as much time as you can or need in your final resting position. After all, yoga is all about finding your comfortable seat, being able to be still with yourself and allowing whatever is to be just as it is.

What you need: yoga mat (or similar), yoga brick (or drink bottle, canned food – unopened), bolster (or rolled up blanket/towel – optional)